Australian Terriers Make Loyal Pets

The Australian Terrier is one of the smallest of the terrier dog group. It was originally bred in Australia around 1885 as a working dog to guard mines and to tend sheep. The Australian Terrier is a healthy and hardy breed. They are long-living to 15 years or more and free of any major hereditary defects.

They have a rough-textured straight coat 2in. to 3in. long with colorings ranging from silver- or blue-black through to tan with a distinctive soft-haired topknot on their head.

The Australian Terrier is tough and cheeky, and stands 9in to 11in high. However, like many other terrier breeds, in its own mind it is a much larger dog and is quite fearless. It is energetic and loyal and will display great affection to its family. It is confident and curious, has keen hearing and eyesight and therefore makes a useful watchdog. Because it likes to please its master is can be more easily trained than some other terriers.

Unlike many other terrier breeds the Australian Terrier does not usually display aggression towards other dogs although they may chase small animals outside the home. They can occasionally display wariness towards strangers although they are not excessively suspicious. They travel well and can be somewhat easier to train than other terrier types although their training needs to be strict; their self-assured nature can make them want to follow their own ideas rather than yours!

Australian terriers make good apartment dogs. They are adaptable and will remain active indoors but will require outdoor exercise and, like all terriers, need to be walked on a leash due to their tendency to chase other animals.

The Australian Terrier sheds little or no hair and will not require clipping except perhaps around the eyes and ears when blunt-nosed scissors should be used. Regular brushing is recommended. This will stimulate natural oil secretion from the skin which will help to develop a high gloss to the coat. Clip the toenails regularly. Australian Terriers do not require washing more than once a month. More frequent washing will tend to make their tough coat go lank.

Your Australian Terrier will consider himself to be a part of your family and will be a loyal and loving companion.